Dates for your Diary

Events taking place in March including a full list of regular weekly, monthly and bi monthly local community meet ups and clubs.   

Thursday 6th March – Beat The Heat IOW Quiz night at Ryde Castle Hotel, Esplanade, Ryde. Test your knowledge with a chance to grab some fabulous prizes, and support Heartbeat as they raise funds for the relatives of cardiac patients who stay at Heartbeat House.  7:00 PM (Registration from 6:30 PM). Form a team of up to 6 people and get involved! For more information or to register, contact Tanya Harder on email at 

Friday 7th March – Coffee Morning at Northwood Cemetery between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm.  This month’s theme is “Things beginning with B”.  Hot and cold drinks and biscuits are available free of charge.  Everyone welcome – just come through the cemetery gates and you will be given a warm welcome. Hosted by Friends of Northwood Cemetery.

Saturday 8th March – East cowes Community Market at the Town Hall, East Cowes from 10am – 2pm.   A great selection of stalls from local makers including refreshments.

Sunday 9th March – 20th Annual Antiques and Collector’s Fair in aid of the Isle of Wight branch of the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association at Northwood House, Ward Avenue, Cowes. PO31 8AZ. Opening times 10.00a.m. to 3.30p.m. Refreshments and snacks available to purchase. Plenty of free parking at nearby Cowes Enterprise College. There will be a variety of items available to purchase with prices to suit all budgets. Admission £3.50 per person or £6.00 for two. (Accompanied children free). Please contact Doreen Gant with any queries – 

Wednesday 12th March – Curtain Up West Wight amateur Dramatics AGM Social Evening at Christ Church Annexe, Church Hill, Totland Bay, PO39 0ES from 7pm – 9pm.  Everyone welcome  

Thursday 13th March – Folk Music night  at 7.30, at the Porter Club, Lake PO36 9LE. Own car park and on a bus route. Relaxed and friendly, performers & ‘just listeners’ welcome. Free entry, donations.

Saturday 15th March – Montage Market at The Depozitory, 23 Nelson Street, Ryde, PO33 2EZ.   Explore a variety of unique stalls offering one-of-a-kind items from 11am – 4pm.  Enjoy complimentary tea and coffee.

Sunday 16th March - Quay Folk Club showcases some of our most popular folk music acts. Quay Arts Centre, Newport, opens at 6.30 pm for the music to start at 7. Free entry - drop a donation into the fez.

Tuesday 18th March - Celebrate Village Hall Week at our Tuesday Coffee Morning. Join us at Yarmouth & District Community Hall from 10am–2pm: Teas, coffees & homemade cakes, Books and Bring & Buy stalls, live music from local ukulelists, Display tables & community spirit. 

Thursday 20th March – Bembridge Craft Market at Bembridge Village Hall from 10am – 4pm.  A host of Island  makers with unique handcrafted items.  Be sure to pop in to see what's on offer.  

Saturday 22nd March – A Celebration of Village Life at Mottistone Gardens,  Mottistone PO30 4ED from 11am – 3pm.   This is a free event in association with Community Action Isle of Wight.   Lots to see and do: information about community spaces, activities for the children, entertainment, workshops, demonstrations and sheep.

Regular events

Every Monday – Chat and Craft.  Come along with your favourite craft or unfinished project. Learn something new and get help and inspiration or just share your skills.   Held from 2-4pm at Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes, PO31 7NP.  Open to everyone and all ages.  Entry £2 which includes tea/coffee. For more information call Wendy on 07584600053

Every Monday – Our Place Drop in Centre/ Warm Space at Christ Church, Alum Bay, New Road, Totland, PO39 0ES from 2pm – 3.30pm. Info, support, drinks, chat, help, quizzes and more.  For more info call 01983 240 722

Every Monday – Oasis Drop in Centre/Warm Space at Freshwater Methodist Church, Brookside Rd, Freshwater PO40 9AN from 10am – 12 noon. Drop in for tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat.

Every Monday - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding an Info Point at Christ Church, Broadway, Sandown PO36 9ET  from 11am - 1pm. Please drop in if you need any information, guidance or support. 01983 240 732 

 Every Monday – Pop-Up Pantry by organised by Aspire from 10.30am – 12noon at Shanklin United Reformed Church, in the High Street, PO37 6LA

Every Monday - Play Mah Jong at the Porter Club, Lake, PO36 9LE, from 1.30. Beginners welcome.

Second Monday of every month – HASAG Asbestos Disease Support Isle of Wight.  Coffee Afternoon at the Riverside Centre, The Quay, Newport, PO30 2GR from 12.30 – 2.30pm.

Second Monday of the month – Jenny Williams and the Isle of Wight Fibromyalgia Social Group meet from 10am – 2pm at Brading Youth & Community Centre, High St, Brading, PO36 0DH. Refreshments available.  For more information call or email 0773428295 or

Fourth Monday of the month - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding a free community drop in session called ‘Wootton Together’ at the Wootton Bridge Community Centre, Brannon Way, Wootton Bridge PO33 4NW from 1pm - 3pm. There will be a range of visiting organisations in attendance to provide information and guidance. Free hot drinks are available. Please call if you would like more details. 01983 240 732 

Every Tuesday - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding an Info Point in Ryde Library.  (while the library is closed the info point will be in the old NatWest Building (11 St Thomas Square, Ryde) on the 4th, 11th and 18th March) from 10am – 12noon. Please drop in if you need any information, guidance or support. 01983 240 732 

Every Tuesday (term time only) - Parent and Toddler club at Wootton Methodist Church, Station Road, Wootton Bridge, PO33 4RE. From 9.30am-11.30am.  £2 per family (refreshments included). For more info contact Sue 07311372198.

Every Tuesday  - The Buzzy Bean Café, Old School Centre, Wootton from 11am – 3pm.  There will be free coffee and cake as well as offering low-cost lunches, a warm space and companionship. There will also be activity afternoons with quizzes, board games and bingo.

Third Tuesday of the month - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding an Info Point at Our Place, West Wight Sports Centre, Moa Place, Freshwater PO40 9XH from 10:30am - 12.30pm. Please drop in if you need any information, guidance or support. 01983 240 732 

Fourth Tuesday of the month - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding a Craft Group at St Peters Church, Main Road, Shorwell PO30 3JL from 2pm – 4pm. Please call if you would like more details. 01983 240 732 

Every Wednesday - Social Bridge at West Wight Sports & Community Centre. From 2pm to 4pm. Turn up and play for £2. Participants are learners, intermediate and experienced who play noncompetitively.

Every Wednesday - the West Wight Bridge Club meet at at CHOYD,  St James Street, Yarmouth for their regular weekly session at 2:00 pm 

Every Wednesday – The Well – drop in warm space from 11am – 1pm at  Shanklin United Reformed Church, in the High Street, PO37 6LA

Every Wednesday - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding an Info Point at the Community Café, Broadway Centre, Sandown PO36 9GG from 2pm - 4pm. Please drop in if you need any information, guidance or support. 01983 240 732 

Every Wednesday – The Cuppa Club at Ryde Methodist Church Hall, Garfield Road, Ryde.  Drop-in from 1pm – 3.30pm.  A free event for all ages. Part of the Isle of Wight Warm Welcome Space.   Refreshments, optional activities, newspapers or just chat over a cuppa.

Every Wednesday - Lake Art Group meet at the Lions Centre Lake from 9.30am until 12. New members always welcome to join our friendly group. Either come along, or phone June 07890948450 or Chris 401530 

Every Wednesday and Friday - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding a CAMEO Community Café and static Pantry at the Sandown Elim Pentecostal Church, 47 Fort Street, Sandown PO36 8BA from 10:30am – 12:30pm. Come And Meet Each Other over a cuppa and access free advice, guidance and support. Pay £5 to use the Pantry and receive around £15 worth of food. Everyone is welcome. Please call if you would like more details. 01983 240 732 

First and Third  Wednesday of the month - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding an Info Point at the Pyle Street Pantry, Newport Congregational Church, Newport PO30 1UH from 10:45am - 12:30pm.  Please drop in if you need any information, guidance or support. 01983 240 732 

Every Thursday – Craft Crew Crochet, Chat and Knitting at Brading Youth & Community Centre, High St, Brading, PO36 0DH from 10.30am – 12.30pm.  Contact Sue Graves 0771 8757629

Every Thursday - Friendly Cribbage group meet at The Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes – 6.30pm. Come along and enjoy an evening playing cards and make new friends in the process. If you don’t already play, just give Wendy a ring on 07584600053 and she will arrange some beginner’s lessons to get you started. Entry is just £1.00 first session is free.

Every Thursday - Table Tennis at Freshwater Methodist, Brookside Road. From 6pm to 7:30pm. Beginners welcome. A fun, social place for non-competitive games. Free activity, with donations towards light refreshments. Please contact David 01983 760063 for further details. 

Every Thursday  - Short Mat Bowls from 1pm to approx. 4pm at Freshwater Memorial Hall.  Beginners welcome- bowls available to borrow.  For details contact: Stuart Sanford on 01983 754725. Tea/coffee and biscuits at half time. Open to everyone.

Second Thursday of the month - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding an Info Point at The Apex Church, main Church building, St Faith's Road, Cowes PO31 7HH from 10:30am – 12noon. Please drop in if you need any information, guidance or support. 01983 240 732 

Third Thursday of the month - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding a free community drop in session called ‘Gurnard Together’ at the Phoenix Café, Gurnard Pines, Cockleton Lane, Gurnard PO31 8QE from 12noon – 2pm. There will be a range of visiting organisations in attendance to provide information and guidance. Please call if you would like more details. 01983 240 732 

Third Thursday of the month -   Whippingham WI Meet at Whippingham Community Centre, Alverstone Road, Whippingham at 1.30pm .Come along to enjoy a speaker, friendship and fun.

Last Thursday of the month - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding a Craft Group at Brighstone Social Club, Main Road, Brighstone PO30 4AJ from 10am to 12noon. £2 to take part. Please call if you would like more details. 01983 240 732 

Every Friday - Al Anon Family Group (family and friends of alcoholics) meet at a warm, friendly location in High Street, Newport  from 11.45- 1.15.  If alcohol is in any way affecting your life this is the safe place to meet; your anonymity is protected at all times.  Further details ring  (01983) 638198.

Every Friday – Isle of Wight Age UK Dementia Care offer a drop-in session from 11am – 1pm @ Parklands Dementia Resource Centre, Park Road, Cowes, PO31 7LZ.  Offering advice and support to you or someone you know who is experiencing memory problems.

Every Friday - Freshwater Market from 8.30am-12noon at the Memorial Hall. Homemade cakes, plants, books, jewellery, fresh eggs, original artwork, crafts, bric-a-brac, café, handcrafted liqueurs and much more.

Second Friday of the month - The Living Well & Early Help Service will be holding a free community drop in session called ‘East Cowes Together’ at The East Side Curve (community library), York Avenue, East Cowes PO32 6RU from 10am – 12noon. There will be a range of visiting organisations in attendance to provide information and guidance. Free hot drinks are available. Please call if you would like more details. 01983 240 732 

Third Friday of the month - Wootton Afternoon Townswomen's Guild meet at the Methodist Church, Station Road, Wootton Bridge, from 2pm to 4pm. Free parking in Steam Railway car park opposite.  We are a friendly group, and hold talks and go on outings etc. 

Every Saturday and Sunday – Pawsome Bargains Charity Shop at Isle of Wight Cats Protection, Marlborough Road, Ryde. Open from 1 – 3pm.  Great bargains with all money going towards to the cats.

First Saturday of the Month -  Headway Isle of Wight support Group at the Riverside Centre, Newport from 10am – 12pm. All Brain injury survivors, carers and family are welcome.